tame clutter

Weekend Kids’ Closet Makeover With DIY Shelving (Easy Weekend Project)

Wondering what to do with a small closet in your kids' room? Adding DIY custom closet shelving is an easy weekend DIY kids' closet makeover.

Give Your Kids’ Closet A Makeover This Weekend With DIY Shelving: Looking for kids’ closet makeover ideas? Wondering what to do with a small closet? The best DIY closet makeover ideas don’t have to be expensive, take forever, or require the pros. This DIY kids’ closet makeover is a low-budget weekend project that’s easier than you’d think, and is great […]

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Minimalism for Parents: Can Minimalism and Parenthood Coexist?

Does the idea of minimalism for parents seem impossible? Minimalism and parenthood CAN coexist, with conscious effort; these tips will get you started.

Minimalism for Parents 101: Your Get-Started Guide When expecting their first child, many people envision happy scenes of simple bliss. Then reality hits home. Yes, babies are cute – but they’re also messy, on so many levels. And they keep you awake almost round the clock. And they come with so much STUFF. Is minimalism

Minimalism for Parents: Can Minimalism and Parenthood Coexist? Read More »

Maximizing Space In A Small House: My Fave Tips and Tricks

Whether your home is large or small, we can all use a few tricks to make the most of the room we've got - like these hacks to maximize space!

How To Get The Most Out Of Tight Quarters By Maximizing Space: Your home is at the heart of your family and its needs. When spaces function well, family life runs so much more smoothly. But when your home has wasted spaces, or spots that don’t serve their purpose well, everything is harder. This is

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The #1 Shortcut To a More Organized Home

A More Organized Home: is this your New Year's resolution? The experts' take on how to get one all boils down to one word. Read here to learn what it is.

Organized Home. Hah. How many of us have grand plans (especially around January 1) of Getting Organized This Year? E.g., This is the year I’ll FINALLY get organized! This is the year I’ll FINALLY have a Clean Home! Which, for me, inevitably leads to: This is the year I’ll FINALLY have a More Organized Home!

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Things To Consider When Renovating Your Attic

Considering renovating your attic to add to your living space? Be sure you take these factors into account as you plan out your renovations.

The new year is almost here; are you already contemplating your new year’s house projects? Maybe one of the things on your to-do list is renovating your attic. You may need better storage space, or want to add a home office. This is what we did in my husband’s old house after we got married,

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Easy Kitchen Organization Hacks You’ll Love

Does your kitchen work for you as well as it could? These budget-friendly kitchen organization hacks have revolutionized our kitchen; give them a try!

This past weekend my Junior Girl Scout completed her Simple Meals badge. One of the requirements for this 21st-century version of the Cooking badge was to tour a kitchen with a knowledgeable adult. Since she’s already spent a lot of time helping out in the kitchen, I had HER give ME a tour. She correctly

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Ten Bedroom Organization Hacks for the Whole Family

Having an organized bedroom isn't magic; it just takes a little effort. These ten bedroom organization hacks will help your whole family get there.

Bedrooms are the most used rooms in your home, and they can be used for all sorts of things. Sleeping isn’t the only thing you or anyone in your family does in there. If we only slept in our bedrooms, they would probably stay fairly tidy. But the reality is that bedrooms can quickly turn

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How to Organize Important Documents: My New Secret Weapon

Wish you knew how to organize important documents more effectively? I've discovered the ultimate secret weapon in the ongoing battle against paper clutter and lost papers.

Think about it. How many hours of your life have you spent hunting for a missing piece of paperwork? Your Social Security Card. Your kids’ birth certificates. The contact info for that guy who unplugged your drain a few years back. The warranty and purchase information for an appliance on the fritz. Time and time

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Ten Things to Purge From Your Garage NOW

10 things to purge from your garage NOW

Spring is nearly here, as my children keep reminding me. Time for some spring cleaning. Or making good on those New Year’s resolutions to clear out the clutter. Either way, here are ten things to purge from your garage NOW. If you don’t have a “garage,” substitute “attic” or “basement” or “junk closet” – wherever you stuff things

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Less is More, Three Months In: An Update on the New Tidy

Kimmie spent most of last week home from school with a fever. Although her appetite for food was way down, and her appetite for sleep was way up, she was otherwise her happy, normal self. So afternoons involved lots of napping and movies, and mornings when Essie was in school quickly became lots of bonding

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Mindful Decluttering: 5 Tips on Decluttering Your Home

Is decluttering on your new year's list? These five mindful downsizing tips will help you get all areas of your life back under control, once and for all.

How’d you do on your New Year’s resolutions last year? My New Year’s goal for last year is still an ongoing effort, but remembering to use the Calm Mommy voice when I want my kids to cooperate is becoming more second-nature. My goals for this year center around being more mindful each day, saving myself

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Less Is More: Three Ways We’re Cutting Back and Living Better This Holiday Season

Even though the first week of December was rainy and dreary in our neck of the woods, the girls and I have had a super start to our month. Part of the credit goes to the fact that I’ve made some very conscious decisions to simplify our lives, both for the holiday season and beyond.

Less Is More: Three Ways We’re Cutting Back and Living Better This Holiday Season Read More »

Budget Organizing with Baskets: Cheap Storage Solutions

Want affordable storage ideas? Wondering how to organize your home on a budget? Try budget organizing with baskets.

How to Organize Your House with No Money: Every home needs some sort of organization system, if only so you can find what you need when you need it. It doesn’t matter how big or small your home is – and often, the smaller the space, the more important good storage solutions become. But whether

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Keeping Your Home Clean (Even with Baby and Kid Stuff)

Maintaining an organized home is always a challenge. These tricks will help you keep your home organized AND functional, even with kids (and their stuff!) around.

First, a confession: Much as I might wish otherwise, much as I might aspire to live differently, my home does NOT look like a photo spread in Better Homes and Gardens. It’s a constant work-in-progress. And while I like to think I’m always moving forward, the reality is that keeping home clean and organized feels

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