green living

Ways to Warm Your Home (and Save Money!) This Winter

Ready for winter and its hefty heating bills? Whether you can spend $10 or $10K, these tips will help you warm your home (and save money!) this winter.

Has winter weather reached you yet? In our neck of the woods, we seem to have skipped from shorts weather to winter in about 36 hours last week. We’ve flipped the AC to the heating system, are scrambling to find the girls’ winter boots and coats, and are excited to test out some of our […]

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Minimalism for Parents: Can Minimalism and Parenthood Coexist?

Does the idea of minimalism for parents seem impossible? Minimalism and parenthood CAN coexist, with conscious effort; these tips will get you started.

Minimalism for Parents 101: Your Get-Started Guide When expecting their first child, many people envision happy scenes of simple bliss. Then reality hits home. Yes, babies are cute – but they’re also messy, on so many levels. And they keep you awake almost round the clock. And they come with so much STUFF. Is minimalism

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Eco-Friendly Homes: How To Have One

Ever been intrigued by eco-friendly homes? Wondering how to shrink your family's footprint? This eco-friendly tips can help you get started.

It’s hard to have missed the memo on the detrimental impact that human behavior is having on the planet. Our planet. My kids came home from their half-day of school on the Friday before Christmas and donned not their snow gear (as one might expect where we live), but shorts and T-shirts! It’s no wonder that so

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Loving the Environment for Kids: 5 Tips for Raising Eco-Friendly Offspring

(NOTE: I first wrote “Loving the Environment for Kids: My Top Five Tips for Raising Eco-Friendly Offspring” as a guest post for The Everyday Ecologist in June 2016. Since it’s no longer available on that website, I’m republishing it here with a few updates while I’m traveling. Enjoy! – Flossie) What do your kids know

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Top 10 Cleaning Hacks with Melamine Sponges

melamine sponges

Have you fallen in love with melamine sponges yet? Those things also known as Magic Erasers truly do work magic, if you’ve never tried them. They’re also a great way to get your kids into the cleaning act. If this cleaning powerhouse is new to you, here are my Top 10 Cleaning Hacks with Melamine Sponges 1.

Top 10 Cleaning Hacks with Melamine Sponges Read More »

Kimmie’s New Year Resolutions and Goals

Kimmie made a Happy New Year card for her homeroom teacher, Mr. Hellag.

Happy New Year! I’m in the middle of several weeks of enjoying holiday and vacation time with my family. Hence, in lieu of a longer post, I thought I’d share seven-year-old Kimmie’s resolutions and goals for the new year. Kimmie’s New Year Resolutions Kimmie actually volunteered some personal new year resolutions to my mother a

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Loving the Environment for Kids: Check Out My Guest Post!

(Updated 6/3/2017: While Everyday Ecologist goes through a website makeover, I’ve republished Loving the Environment for Kids on my own site. You can find the full post here. Enjoy!)  Hope you’ve been filling up your families’ summer tanks with memories that will last a lifetime. I also hope some of those memories involve the outdoors.

Loving the Environment for Kids: Check Out My Guest Post! Read More »

Considering a Consignment Sale Event? Six Tips to Help You Cash In Big

How to Turn Your Gently-Used Kids’ Gear Into Cash: So you’re overwhelmed by the amount of baby stuff still cluttering your basement – and your “baby” is now in preschool. Or you’ve tried the consignment store route and found the results disappointing. Or you’ve read my other two posts on offloading baby stuff – on

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Lessons Learned from Baby Consignment Stores

You may have already read my other post about my first forays into the world of cashing in on old baby gear through brick-and-mortar consignment stores. For a while, this system worked reasonably well for me. I offloaded lots of baby clothes and outgrown toys, and made enough money that I was able to restock

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CSA and You: Save Money, Eat Better, and Get Your Kids to Love Veggies

CSA Produce = Your Easy Button for Veggie-Loving Kids The days are short, the outside temps are frigid, and what you’re going to eat this summer is probably the last thing on your mind. But ‘tis the season for CSA registration; if you haven’t already joined one for the upcoming growing season, now’s the time

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Mindful Decluttering: 5 Tips on Decluttering Your Home

Is decluttering on your new year's list? These five mindful downsizing tips will help you get all areas of your life back under control, once and for all.

How’d you do on your New Year’s resolutions last year? My New Year’s goal for last year is still an ongoing effort, but remembering to use the Calm Mommy voice when I want my kids to cooperate is becoming more second-nature. My goals for this year center around being more mindful each day, saving myself

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Less Is More: Three Ways We’re Cutting Back and Living Better This Holiday Season

Even though the first week of December was rainy and dreary in our neck of the woods, the girls and I have had a super start to our month. Part of the credit goes to the fact that I’ve made some very conscious decisions to simplify our lives, both for the holiday season and beyond.

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