parenting tips

Three Finance Lessons All Children Should Learn

Have you taught your kids about managing money yet? The sooner you start teaching them finance lessons, the better! These three topics will get you started.

I’m thrilled to share this guest post today from fellow blogger Sarah Brumley! Sarah is one of my blogging sisters – I swear, half of what she writes makes me think, “I can hear myself saying that to my kids!” (The other half, I wish I had already thought of saying to my kids!) While […]

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Why Mama Needs More Sleep (And What She Can Do About It!)

Are you a sleep-deprived mama? Here are my top 10 reasons why mama needs more sleep - and more importantly, what you can do about it! (Or maybe not...)

a.k.a. Help for Sleep-Deprived Parents As I type this, the rest of my household has been in bed for well over an hour (the girls much longer than that). And that’s after I was first one up this morning, in part so I could sneak off to yoga class before the girls went to summer

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Life Happens: Making “Teachable Moment” Lemonade

Life happens. When it does, our reaction as parents is critical to the little ones who watch us and learn by example. How will YOU react to life's next teachable moment?

This is not the post I’d originally scheduled for today. But life happens. HOW we react when life happens is critical, especially as parents. Our little ones are always watching us, learning by example. When you encounter your next “teachable moment,” how will you react? The former classroom teacher in me is always on the

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Clothespin Chore Chart: How-To’s, Inspiration, and Tips for Success

Do your kids need a morning-routine reboot? Or help remembering after-school chores? This clothespin chore chart tutorial has tips and examples to help them create their own!

Are your kids starting to get squirrely for the end of the school year and the start of summer break? Do you find their school-year routines and ability to self-regulate breaking down? Those skills have long since flown the coop around here, so we tried something new this morning: a brand-new set of clothespin chore

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How To Teach Your Kids Gratitude

Kids not quite as grateful as you'd hoped? With these tips on how to teach your kids gratitude, your kids can become more grateful too!

Happy Thanksgiving to everyone celebrating in the United States (as well as expats overseas) today! In honor of this national day of giving thanks, I’m thrilled to share a guest post written by a blogging friend of mine, Michele Tripple. If ever there were a Supermom, this amazing mama is definitely one in my eyes!

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How Bullet Journaling Has Made Me A Better Parent

I’m now just over two months into my bullet journaling experiment. For those of you who’ve thought about bullet journaling – either to become more efficient and organized, or to help you juggle your competing to-do’s – yes, it’s made a huge difference in those areas. But I’m also surprised to discover another upside: Bullet journaling has unquestionably made

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Less Is More: Three Ways We’re Cutting Back and Living Better This Holiday Season

Even though the first week of December was rainy and dreary in our neck of the woods, the girls and I have had a super start to our month. Part of the credit goes to the fact that I’ve made some very conscious decisions to simplify our lives, both for the holiday season and beyond.

Less Is More: Three Ways We’re Cutting Back and Living Better This Holiday Season Read More »

Want Something Done? Try Counting

My husband is a math teacher. He lives, breathes, and eats numbers. Thus it’s not too surprising that numbers are floating through the atmosphere in our house on a pretty regular basis, or that Kimmie and Essie have been a bit ahead of the curve in learning to count. But early in our parenting journey,

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