best cleaning hacks

How To Get Kids to Help Around the House: 21 Hacks

Does your child help around the house? No matter what their age, there are things you can do to raise willing and capable helpers, as these 21 hacks demonstrate.

Does your child help around the house? No matter what their age, if a kid can walk, they can help. (And even infants can “practice” things as a game.) Unless you have a maid or a cleaning service, getting help around the house from family members is essential. However, it’s also easier said than done, […]

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How to Organize Important Documents: My New Secret Weapon

Wish you knew how to organize important documents more effectively? I've discovered the ultimate secret weapon in the ongoing battle against paper clutter and lost papers.

Think about it. How many hours of your life have you spent hunting for a missing piece of paperwork? Your Social Security Card. Your kids’ birth certificates. The contact info for that guy who unplugged your drain a few years back. The warranty and purchase information for an appliance on the fritz. Time and time

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How To Teach Your Kids Gratitude

Kids not quite as grateful as you'd hoped? With these tips on how to teach your kids gratitude, your kids can become more grateful too!

Happy Thanksgiving to everyone celebrating in the United States (as well as expats overseas) today! In honor of this national day of giving thanks, I’m thrilled to share a guest post written by a blogging friend of mine, Michele Tripple. If ever there were a Supermom, this amazing mama is definitely one in my eyes!

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Five Must-Haves For a Kids’ Art Table That *Works*

Do your kids have an art table? If not, setting one up is easy. Here are five must-haves that make my girls' art table a place where they LOVE to create.

Do your offspring have a designated place to draw, color, do Play-Doh, paint watercolors, and work their way through activity books? If not, they need a kids’ art table. No, you don’t need a huge space to do this. Our kids’ art table fills a small corner about 2 feet x 3 feet. It’s a

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Top 10 Cleaning Hacks with Melamine Sponges

melamine sponges

Have you fallen in love with melamine sponges yet? Those things also known as Magic Erasers truly do work magic, if you’ve never tried them. They’re also a great way to get your kids into the cleaning act. If this cleaning powerhouse is new to you, here are my Top 10 Cleaning Hacks with Melamine Sponges 1.

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Ten Things to Purge From Your Garage NOW

10 things to purge from your garage NOW

Spring is nearly here, as my children keep reminding me. Time for some spring cleaning. Or making good on those New Year’s resolutions to clear out the clutter. Either way, here are ten things to purge from your garage NOW. If you don’t have a “garage,” substitute “attic” or “basement” or “junk closet” – wherever you stuff things

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Baby in a Small Space: Five Hacks to Save Room (and Money!)

It’s a fact of life. As the crowded image above suggests, baby gear takes up a LOT of space. So how do you manage a baby in a SMALL space? We were facing this prospect when I was pregnant with Kimmie, and my husband and I were still living in his bachelor pad. We finally

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Laundry Hacks I Love: 16 Laundry-Room Must-Haves

These laundry hacks have saved my clothes more than once over the years, and rescued the kiddos' duds from near-impossible stains. Give them a try.

Or laundry-routine must-haves, if your laundry “room” is the nearest laundromat. These laundry hacks have saved my clothes more than once over the years. They’ve also helped keep the girls’ fave outfits in the rotation, especially after major mealtime mishaps. Far as I’m concerned, keeping things organized around a home with small children starts in the

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It’s Spring Cleaning Time: A Shout-Out From The Trenches

Hey there, peeps! How goes your spring? You may have noticed I’ve been kinda quiet of late. It’s not on purpose – but life has been filled with my own form of spring cleaning. My mother has held many jobs in her life, both as a working professional and a professional volunteer. Yet at her

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Teach Your Kids Responsibility: Ten Super Hacks

Do you always feel overburdened? As if you’ve got too much on your plate, because responsibility for the entire world somehow landed on your shoulders? Would you like to free up a few brain cells for something else? If so, then it’s high time you turn over some of that responsibility to your kiddos. Experts

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Want Something Done? Try Counting

My husband is a math teacher. He lives, breathes, and eats numbers. Thus it’s not too surprising that numbers are floating through the atmosphere in our house on a pretty regular basis, or that Kimmie and Essie have been a bit ahead of the curve in learning to count. But early in our parenting journey,

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Keeping Your Home Clean (Even with Baby and Kid Stuff)

Maintaining an organized home is always a challenge. These tricks will help you keep your home organized AND functional, even with kids (and their stuff!) around.

First, a confession: Much as I might wish otherwise, much as I might aspire to live differently, my home does NOT look like a photo spread in Better Homes and Gardens. It’s a constant work-in-progress. And while I like to think I’m always moving forward, the reality is that keeping home clean and organized feels

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