Sanity-Saving Hacks for Roadtripping Solo With Small Children

My house is a mess of unpacking, my writing is behind schedule – can you guess that my family and I have just spent the past few weeks on various road trips? For many families, summer means travel. But the reality is that in two-parent households, parents can’t always coordinate limited vacation time with other

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Considering a Consignment Sale Event? Six Tips to Help You Cash In Big

How to Turn Your Gently-Used Kids’ Gear Into Cash: So you’re overwhelmed by the amount of baby stuff still cluttering your basement – and your “baby” is now in preschool. Or you’ve tried the consignment store route and found the results disappointing. Or you’ve read my other two posts on offloading baby stuff – on

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Less is More, Three Months In: An Update on the New Tidy

Kimmie spent most of last week home from school with a fever. Although her appetite for food was way down, and her appetite for sleep was way up, she was otherwise her happy, normal self. So afternoons involved lots of napping and movies, and mornings when Essie was in school quickly became lots of bonding

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Recipe: Anytime Strata

Unlike your typical breakfast strata, adding vegetables transforms this one from a traditional breakfast/brunch dish into a hearty evening meal.

Spring’s pending arrival got you feeling domestic?  Have some time to devote to cooking prep this weekend? This strata makes a tasty one-dish meal that was a huge hit with girls and dear husband alike. When I think of strata and its cousin, baked French toast, I usually think of breakfast and brunch foods. But

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DIY Shelf Installation: Helpful Tips To Make Your First Project Easier

There’s nothing like a mama with her power tools. If you haven’t yet discovered the thrill of holding that cordless screwdriver in your hands, or of looking with pride at the finished result of your handiwork, trust me – it’s liberating to know that you can take care of yourself in this regard. I first

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Thinking About Consignment? Five Tips to Help You Decide

What is consignment, and why should all parents consider it? Anyone who’s been a parent for any length of time knows the eternal dilemma of modern parenting. Namely, how to keep from drowning under all that baby stuff, toddler gear, and related paraphernalia you’re no longer using. At some point, containing the clutter and organizing

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CSA and You: Save Money, Eat Better, and Get Your Kids to Love Veggies

CSA Produce = Your Easy Button for Veggie-Loving Kids The days are short, the outside temps are frigid, and what you’re going to eat this summer is probably the last thing on your mind. But ‘tis the season for CSA registration; if you haven’t already joined one for the upcoming growing season, now’s the time

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Less Is More: Three Ways We’re Cutting Back and Living Better This Holiday Season

Even though the first week of December was rainy and dreary in our neck of the woods, the girls and I have had a super start to our month. Part of the credit goes to the fact that I’ve made some very conscious decisions to simplify our lives, both for the holiday season and beyond.

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