The Organized Home with Kids

Lessons Learned from Baby Consignment Stores

You may have already read my other post about my first forays into the world of cashing in on old baby gear through brick-and-mortar consignment stores. For a while, this system worked reasonably well for me. I offloaded lots of baby clothes and outgrown toys, and made enough money that I was able to restock […]

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DIY Shelf Installation: Helpful Tips To Make Your First Project Easier

There’s nothing like a mama with her power tools. If you haven’t yet discovered the thrill of holding that cordless screwdriver in your hands, or of looking with pride at the finished result of your handiwork, trust me – it’s liberating to know that you can take care of yourself in this regard. I first

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Thinking About Consignment? Five Tips to Help You Decide

What is consignment, and why should all parents consider it? Anyone who’s been a parent for any length of time knows the eternal dilemma of modern parenting. Namely, how to keep from drowning under all that baby stuff, toddler gear, and related paraphernalia you’re no longer using. At some point, containing the clutter and organizing

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Mindful Decluttering: 5 Tips on Decluttering Your Home

Is decluttering on your new year's list? These five mindful downsizing tips will help you get all areas of your life back under control, once and for all.

How’d you do on your New Year’s resolutions last year? My New Year’s goal for last year is still an ongoing effort, but remembering to use the Calm Mommy voice when I want my kids to cooperate is becoming more second-nature. My goals for this year center around being more mindful each day, saving myself

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Less Is More: Three Ways We’re Cutting Back and Living Better This Holiday Season

Even though the first week of December was rainy and dreary in our neck of the woods, the girls and I have had a super start to our month. Part of the credit goes to the fact that I’ve made some very conscious decisions to simplify our lives, both for the holiday season and beyond.

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A Cleaner Kitchen With Little Eaters

So life’s been insanely busy these past few weeks. Something I’m sure none of you can relate to. Too busy to vacuum the kitchen floor – which is, let’s face it, not my favorite activity anyway. (Funny how dust allergies can do that to a gal.) But that doesn’t stop my enthusiastic eaters from eating

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Budget Organizing with Baskets: Cheap Storage Solutions

Want affordable storage ideas? Wondering how to organize your home on a budget? Try budget organizing with baskets.

How to Organize Your House with No Money: Every home needs some sort of organization system, if only so you can find what you need when you need it. It doesn’t matter how big or small your home is – and often, the smaller the space, the more important good storage solutions become. But whether

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Keeping Your Home Clean (Even with Baby and Kid Stuff)

Maintaining an organized home is always a challenge. These tricks will help you keep your home organized AND functional, even with kids (and their stuff!) around.

First, a confession: Much as I might wish otherwise, much as I might aspire to live differently, my home does NOT look like a photo spread in Better Homes and Gardens. It’s a constant work-in-progress. And while I like to think I’m always moving forward, the reality is that keeping home clean and organized feels

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