kids and TV

School Safety Tips for Parents

Feel powerless as a parent when it comes to school safety? These practical tips will give you peace of mind, while making you a valuable partner in the process.

School safety is on everyone’s minds nowadays. It seems that every week, the news brings more horrific reports of another school shooting. As parents, we can sometimes feel helpless. After all, we can’t singlehandedly change gun laws or improve mental health funding in the United States. But there are plenty of simple action steps we […]

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Loving the Environment for Kids: 5 Tips for Raising Eco-Friendly Offspring

(NOTE: I first wrote “Loving the Environment for Kids: My Top Five Tips for Raising Eco-Friendly Offspring” as a guest post for The Everyday Ecologist in June 2016. Since it’s no longer available on that website, I’m republishing it here with a few updates while I’m traveling. Enjoy! – Flossie) What do your kids know

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When Your Preschooler Won’t Cooperate: Big Kid + Big Privileges = Big Responsibilities

Awhile back, before I published my post about letting Kimmie watch movies, I sent a draft of it to my friend Liz, who blogs over at Everyday Ecologist. In a subsequent phone conference, as we chatted about the slippery slope of kids and screen time, Liz said something to the effect of, “I can’t wait

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